Véritables câbles bi-wire (câbles totalement séparés pour médium/aigu et graves). 

Valeur neuve 2054€ (http://www.jason-diffusion.com/index.html?menu=67446&categorie=&theme=2&id=67353)

Acheté en 09/2012, donc en parfait état. 

Raison de la vente: plus besoin de câbles bi-wire.

Faire offre par e-mail: gdha6@hotmail.com


"I've been using Acoustic Zen Zero-Crystal cables for years and have found nothing better."
- Legendary loudspeaker designer Albert von Schweikert - 27 year industry veteran.

Designed by audio legend Robert Lee, pioneer in continuous crystal cable design, and former chief designer at Harmonic Technologies - Now offering his latest & greatest reference designs in interconnects, speaker cables, power cords, digital, and video cables though his new company, 
Acoustic Zen.

ALL Acoustic Zen cables utilize an ultra high purity continuous cast crystal-free copper and/or silver, which Acoustic Zen refers to as 'Zero Crystal Copper' and 'Zero Crystal Silver'. These extremely pure and costly metals are virtually free of crystaline grain barriers that cause gritty, grainy, disrupted sound; and offer incredible signal transmission properties. Robert Lee was THE original pioneer of in the use of these metals in the audio field, and still is far ahead of other designers in its use.

Not only are the materials are important, but patented, expertly engineered design also plays a major role in the performance of Acoustic Zen products. An amazing caliber of performance for the price places them among some of the very best values in the world of high-performance audio. Acoustic Zen cables are the match of many cables costing thousands of dollars more. We proudly carry the entire line and maintain a close relationship with the company and Mr. Lee.

Acoustic Zen Cables are making waves with audiophiles, reviewers, and major manufacturing teams - many of whom use them as their reference cables

Double Barrel speaker cables

Designed to be a true shotgun configuration, the Double Barrel is made exclusively for a full range speaker that can be bi-wired. With each conductor handling a specific frequency range, the Double Barrel will bring a new resolution and fidelity to your speakers.

Each conductor is specifically designed to add musicality. For Mid-Hi Pass one half of the Double Barrel is loaded with 10AWG 6N multi-stranded Zero Crystal copper wrapped in DupontTM TeflonTM. . The other half of the Double Barrel is exclusively intended for Low Pass and is loaded with 8AWG 6N multi-stranded Zero Crystal copper wrapped in DupontTM TeflonTM . Electrical isolation is accomplished by correlating circuit geometries with our exclusive constant Air-Twist.

The Double Barrel possesses an incredibly refined sense of timber. Instruments and voice are presented with proper weight and body. Textures are fundamental and organic in their realism, amazing recapturing of ambient cues give a realistic feeling of the air and space that surround instruments

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  • Bonjour,

    Oups, effectivement je me rend compte que je n'ai pas indiqué le minimum attendu. Les câbles sont aussi en vente sur d'autres sites. Comme vous l'aurez compris, je souhaites minimum 900€, soit < de 50% du prix neuf pour un câble qui a à peine 3 mois.

  • Bonjour

    Faire offre ça veut bien dire qu'il n'y a pas de prix de départ si j'ai tout compris? Alors pourquoi pas 800 euros?

    De toute façon le principe des enchères est contraire à l'esprit du forum et du coup le ton que vous employez envers Irwin est plutôt mal placé.
    Bonne vente quand même!


    PS: on pourrait faire le voeux pour 2013 que les annonceurs utilisent les formules de politesse qui font que le vivre ensemble devient acceptable.

  • 8 feet correspondent à 2,43 mètres.
  • Effectivement ce sont d'excellents câblés, réellement high-end. Par contre, je ne vois pas pourquoi dire qu'un câbles vendu dans le commerce à 2054€, en état neuf, "ne vaut" que 800€ Au lieu des 900€ demandes. Peut-être pour négocier un prix de vente déjà plus qu'intéressant?
  • Membre donateur


     Interressant en effet ...

    Et en français c'est comment  ? ;-)

     et 8 feet c'est combien de metres ...:-)


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